Monday 23 January 2012

The Return of the Ladybirds

Just as sinister as it sounds...
So, you may recall from a distant previous post that I had an infestation of ladybirds in my bedroom last winter. Well, they're back. I just looked up from trying to write a song to see a large reverse coloured one facing me, stock-still, as if to say 'We meet again, nemesis,'. Now, firstly, I don't consider ladybirds - even reverse coloured ones - to be my nemeses, so I don't know why it was looking at me like that. Secondly, this is not the first such insect to appear in my room in recent days. Just last night I awoke, pulled my duvet along a bit, and felt something small, cool and button-like. On autopilot, half asleep, I picked it up and threw it onto my bedside table, only at the last moment realising what it could be. I then had to go through the anguish of whether or not I had hurt or even mortally wounded it before I feel back to sleep. When I woke up again in the morning, it was gone. Hopefully it hadn't just limped away to die of its wounds. I have also had several do the idiotic wall of death around the lampshade, flying into it several times before landing on the lip of it and just crawling relentlessly around and around. Foolish creatures. The only difference is that last time it was September or so that they started to appear, and due to the unseasonably warm weather this winter,they have only just now, in January, begun to accumulate. And I've only seen a maximum of three at a time. Though that is quite enough.
I still have no answer as to what to do with them though. And still have a slight fear of finding a writhing mass of them in a drawer or somewhere. Still not my nemeses though, just a bit annoying. Still pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I have a childhood memory of a day out and being in a carpark, possibly on a hill/scenic view point/picnic area and the entire place being COVERED in ladybirds. A living carpet. A plague. So good luck with that.
