Sunday 2 January 2011

On The Ninth Day of Christmas My True Love Sent to Me...

Nothing. Unfortunately.

However I did just make myself a delicious chicken stew, possibly the best I've ever made. Mmm. I saw another blog with a lovely-looking chicken stew but I didn't have any of the ingredients, so I went to the shop for some fresh food, as all I had was frozen, and came back with a bag of stew in the making. I might blend it tomorrow to make it into soup.

This is a basic recipe for it, in case you're interested:

4 Chicken thighs and drums (altogether)
1 onion
2 medium potatoes
1/3 butternut squash
1 clove garlic
3/4 pint chicken stock
2 tbsp plain flour
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

1. Combine the dry ingredients and dip the chicken pieces into it and coat. Brown the coated chicken in a medium hot pan, then remove and put aside.
2. Fry the chopped onions and potatoes in the now flavoured oil, before adding the chopped butternut squash and garlic. (I chopped the butternut squash really small because I secretly don't especially like it, but it works in this!)
3. Add the stock and cook for a few minutes, then add the chicken pieces and leave for 30-40 minutes.
At this point I also used the remaining flour/spice combo and added the same amount of suet and then enough water to make a dumpling dough, and dropped them into the liquid. Mmm.
When it was all cooked I took the meat off the bones and removed the bones, putting the chicken back in the pot.

It was yummy.

Today, apart from making delicious stew, I have done lots of brilliantly productive and helpful things. No, really. Just not anything towards my essays. In fact, I have spent the day putting obstacles in the way of me ever writing my essays. Brill. So far I have: tuned the radio to Radio 4 (hey, I didn't say I was cool), written a long list of plot points of my favourite story I'm writing - and thought about actually writing it, done some washing(ok, this isn't an obstacle to working, it just had to be done), and set up my TV to show TV, not just DVDs. So basically my room is now full of things to do, that are not writing essays. Damn.

I have done one useful thing - though I actually did it yesterday. I wrote a schedule for this week's essay writing. So I might really get them done! That'd be great.

I am usually a list writer. I have written two or three just today, between everything else. This is a great way of not actually getting anything done, but feeling like you have. And if you put uber-simple tasks on them, they make you feel good because you can tick them off really quickly. I sometimes put 'Have a shower', 'Get dressed', and then I've done two before I've even started trying! But tomorrow I will truly attempt to do some proper work. Promise.

Oh, and Happy New Year btw. :)

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